EXERCISES Grooves/Accompaniments

In 4

In '3' (12/8)

Adventures in Unusual Meters




Adventures in Polymeter

4 against 6 against 4...
4 against 5 against 4...
4 over 3 over 4...

Lead Phrases



* Allow yourself about 30-45mins per session and set aside that amount of time where you can practice undisturbed by non-drumming guff

* Use a metronome if you wish

* Decide before hand which patterns you will concentrate on this session

* Warm up gradually; begin each pattern slowly; balance the hands to make the strokes evenly spaced and sounding the same; maintain an even tempo for periods before increasing speed in discrete steps (spend longer on slower speeds); concentrate on technique and sound

* At least for some of the session, push yourself to your fastest speed for short periods - after warming up (20 mins)

* Relax!!!

* Play each pattern as written, then follow immdediately leading/beginning with the left hand.

* Proceed to the other patterns with the aim of assimilating the rhythms and techniques using the principal of playing slowly to learn, then shifting up a gear to test yourself and to further reinforce the patterns

* Focus, listen to yourself, focus

* After doing foundation work, play with somebody else or a tape, or a drum machine - have fun


- Limit each session to a different subset of patterns to sustain interest.

- Spend some time, but not too much, on 'getting' harder patterns

- Avoid damage to your hands or other parts of your body

- Practice with a drum buddy or with a group - you will come to realise that under pressure you can go the extra distance

- Make practice disciplined playing

- Make playing an extension of your discipline

- Real improvement only comes with discipline - make a personal schedule of patterns that will improve your playing and include any that you come across in your practise.

- There are no shortcuts, but you can speed your progress by regular practice.

- Don't overdo it! Everyone has a limit to what they can learn, though this will improve as you progress and some learning/processing goes on even when you don't practice.

- Set yourself some realistic goals while realising the skill of drumming can consume you for a lifetime - and there will always be someone who can play faster, louder and more skillfully

- Aim to realise your musical potential (which is inherent in all of us) - rather than to be the best

- Learning seems to happen when you try to do new things, rather than hash over things you can already do.



T t = Right and left tone; Fingers together, extending onto the drum no

further than the palm joint

B b = r and l bass; As tone, but in the centre of the drum
S s = r and l slap; Fingers relaxed, loose and in the same place as the tone
Tt = Flam; The two indicated strokes played very close together, as one t =

together; The two indicated strokes are played simultaneously

B (note that neither stroke will not sound clearly)

. = rest (no sound)

= continue to next line
