Djembe 1    b-ttssb-ttss
Djembe 2    s-ts-bs-ts-b *
Bass        D-DSD--D-S-D>>
            D-DSS----S-D *
Bell        H-HHH-HH-H-H

Signal rtttt-tt-t--

Djembe      bsttssbsttss

This rhythm was taught to me by my griot drummer friend Mamadou Kienou from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. The last djembe part is a variation of the first one - you just add an extra slap right after the bass note. You can start both of them with a lead-in from the fourth note from the end as an option. (Btw, Mamadou tours Europe with parts of his great performance group Foteban each year.)